In It Together!

In It Together!

We know that things are uncertain and if you work in affected industries, you are bound to feel worried about the Coronavirus outbreak, its health as well as economic impact. However, we are looking at things positively and we know that as small businesses, we CAN and we WILL survive COVID-19 by working together and supporting each other.

We have put together a list of things you can do, both as a business, and as a consumer during this period.


As a business:

  • Plan ahead – prepare for financial implications as much as possible, stop all unnecessary spending and keep as much money back as you can

  • If you can continue to trade, please ensure you are taking precautions very seriously and doing everything you can to limit the spread

  • Talk to anyone you make payments to, see if there is any chance of payment breaks or extensions.  Although this is unlikely, it’s best to explore of all your options

  • Use credit if you can, but use it very carefully and only for short term issues

  • If your business can offer things like products, deliveries or collection services, take advantage of this and try to make some money through these avenues.

  • Make A Noise! We hope to see the government announce some help soon. There are calls for the government to step in to support the UK’s hospitality industry through the Coronavirus crisis. Make our voice heard – sign the petition

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As a consumer:

  • If businesses are offering deliveries, consider getting takeaways to support your local food businesses, or buying products like sauces, spice mixes or anything else they’re offering

  • Share the love on social media – if you’re not in a position to spend money, likes, shares, comments and telling your friends, can really help to get the word out about small businesses and what they’re doing

  • Buy gift vouchers – help businesses to stay afloat and use the vouchers when things are better

  • Communicate – if you need to cancel anything, try to give businesses as much notice as possible

We hope that these tips give you some inspiration & positive food for thought.

Please be sure to look after yourself, both physically, taking all the hygiene advice seriously and avoiding social contact, and mentally, taking a break from social media and the news if it feels too much and do things to help you relax instead.

We will be sharing some of our tips on this, as well as a list of local businesses you can support through takeaway orders in the next week or so, so keep your eyes peeled and stay safe!

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